UPGA Responds To Price Fixing Accusations

In response to the filing of the class action complaints accusing United Potato Growers of America and others of price fixing and anti-trust violations, Barb Shelley, chief communications officer for United Potato Growers of America (UPGA), says the agricultural cooperative works hard to ensure it complies with the law.


“UPGA is an agricultural cooperative which was organized under and lives by the provisions, the spirit and the intent of the Capper-Volstead Act, which provides immunity for cooperatives and their members from the antitrust laws,” she explains. “We are careful and diligent to ensure that we are in full compliance with the law. We are confident that the case is not well founded and that the defendants will prevail.

“We are still reviewing the documents,” she continues. “In fact, we have not even officially been served yet. We have no statements at this time other than to repeat that we carefully follow the provisions and intent of Capper-Volstead. We view this as an ill-conceived attack on our cooperative, its members, and the potato industry in general.”

The antitrust lawsuit, which was filed last month, contends that Idaho potato growers and others conspired to raise potato prices by controlling supply.

For more information, click here.

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