List of Best College Farms Released

College Rank, a website dedicated to evaluating and ranking college programs and experiences, has released a list of the Top 35 Best College Farms.


Many colleges around the country have stepped up their agricultural studies game. These programs are developing tomorrow’s leaders in food consumption planning, product, and crop growth. They are working to connect farm to table concepts and increase global connectivity with food. Our team has worked to research and evaluate these 35 rigorous agriculture programs around the country.

“Farming in America provides nearly 10% of jobs in the United States. University farming and agricultural programs allow students to gain invaluable experience before leaving to start their careers,” says Monica Dennis of College Rank. “Hands on learning offers students the opportunity to learn how large functioning farms work, both in agriculture and animal management and care.”

View the slideshow above for a countdown of the Top 10 Best College Farms in the U.S.

For the complete list of 35, visit

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