Take Your Pick! 2021 Apple Grower of the Year Nominations Yield Big Bounty

One thing I’ve always liked about the apple industry is how it spans so much of the country. All fruit and nut crops need at least a semi-hospitable climate and at least halfway decent soil — that’s why you don’t see many fruits being grown in Northern Alaska or Death Valley — and most have more specific requirements.


For instance, some of the crops we cover are only grown in a Mediterranean climate, which is only found in the U.S. in California. Still others require chilling, but don’t like winters that are too cold, like stone fruits.

But apples are farmed all over the country. I was reminded of that again recently in reviewing the nominations for American Fruit GrowerSM Apple Grower of the Year award, sponsored by Valent USA. A total of 16 states were represented among the nominees this year. The nomination period has closed, and we will reveal the winner next month.

Meantime, a colleague asked me why we’d never printed the names of the folks who have been nominated. He thought people might enjoy seeing it. I frankly had never thought of it before, but it makes perfect sense, so we’re going to do it this year (see below).

The award recognizes apple growers who have reached outstanding levels of success through their efforts in innovative production, marketing, horticultural, and management practices. Winners demonstrate commitment and leadership to their field by producing high-quality fruit, being actively involved in associations, and taking a strong role in shaping the direction of the apple industry.

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Without further ado, here are the 2021 Apple Grower of the Year nominations/nominees, each listed once, although some were nominated multiple times, in no particular order.

To all of those nominated, best of luck!