3 Things You Can’t Miss From the GenNext Growers ENewsletter

Christina Herrick

Christina Herrick

The editors of American Fruit Grower®, American Vegetable Grower®, and Florida Grower® magazines believe strongly in connecting young growers with educational opportunities. Our hope for this newsletter is to show support for the next generation of specialty crop growers throughout the country. You’re probably reading this in the inaugural eNewsletter of the GenNext GrowersSM program.

GenNext Growers focuses on the unique challenges the next generation face as they join family businesses or begin careers in the specialty crop industry. Learning production techniques, learning how to run a business, marketing, accounting, time management, family dynamics, securing loans, and dealing with student loan debt are all things young growers have in common.

We’ve spent the last three years putting together features to help you develop the skills, and now we’re making it even easier to access this information through our monthly eNewsletter. Here’s three things you’ll find in each eNewsletter:

  1. Topics that help GenNext Growers do your jobs better
  2. Leadership and educational opportunities
  3. Profiles on innovative young growers (like yourselves!)

Along with our sponsor for the GenNext Growers program, BASF, our hope is that you find the information presented as informative. Please reach out to me if you know of a young grower doing innovative things or are involved in a leadership or educational program targeting the next generation. We hope to feature more of both in the months to come!

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Christina Herrick
Managing Editor, American Fruit Grower® magazine
GenNext GrowersSM Program Coordinator