McClurg To Leave New York Apple Association

The New York Apple Association announced that David McClurg, the longtime vice-president of marketing for the association, will be leaving the organization this month. McClurg will be taking a management position with IFCO Systems, which operates a pool of more than 125 million RPCs (Reusable Plastic Containers) to transport fresh produce from producers to leading grocery retailers.


McClurg joined the Apple Association in 2001. During his tenure he helped expand retail markets, made tremendous inroads in the foodservice area, and opened up new avenues to include more New York apples in more New York State schools. “Dave has been an excellent Apple Ambassador of New York State apples, and has gained the respect of his colleagues throughout the industry,” says Jim Allen, president of the New York Apple Association. “His service and dedication will be missed.”

The New York Apple Association, which represents the state’s 695 apple growers, will be conducting a search in the coming months for a replacement.

Source: New York Apple Association

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