Latest Irrigation Information Worth Tapping Into for Produce Growers

There is no shortage of great lines in the latest issue of American Fruit Grower® magazine. One of my favorites is courtesy of Gary Pavlis, a New Jersey-based winery consultant.


Pavlis is what we call in the magazine business a quote-machine. His topic is establishing a vineyard.

“If you finish planting at 12 o’clock, the irrigation should be turned on at 12:01. If you can’t do that, then you can’t plant.”

Twenty-four words — that’s all it took to hammer home the importance of irrigation.

There’s plenty more from where that came from (particularly on the subject of irrigation), starting with this monthly publication, our twice-weekly enewsletter, and our continuously updated website,

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New to our battery are quarterly digital reports brought to you via an interactive platform. The first edition of this Global Insight Series — the “Biological Crop Protection & Plant Health Report” — made its debut in the fall. Specialty crop growers, large and small, representing the fruit, vegetable, and nut markets, detailed the use of biologicals. The digital report looks much like a magazine, but with more features, such as videos.

This winter we’ve released a similar digital report, this time dedicated to “one of the most basic elements of agriculture” — water. The “Irrigation Technology Report” offers a mix of feature articles, interviews, video, and interactive information on the latest products.

Not to mention more great quotes.

Such as:

“For all farmers, water is becoming the new currency.”

“Without water we would not have a crop. Any other input we use can be had at a price, but water is different.”

“(Having sensors) is like having little computer geniuses in the soil.”

And that’s just a taste of what the “Irrigation Technology Report” offers. We and our parent company, Meister Media Worldwide, are confident you will enjoy this digital offering and find it useful in helping to identify effective and profitable new solutions for your business. We invite you to check out the aforementioned digital reports — and to echo Pavlis, not a minute too soon.