Webinar To Focus On Grapevine Red Blotch Disease

The National Clean Plant Network for Grapes is hosting a special webinar about grapevine red blotch disease. Cornell University virologist Marc Fuchs, University of California (UC) Cooperative Extension farm advisor Rhonda Smith, and UC-Davis Foundation Plant Services director Deborah Golino will present an informational session on red blotch disease. They will describe the virus, its impact on vine health, discuss informal field observations, and explain what measures are being taken to test and identify infected vines and planting material.


The webinar is scheduled from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. EST on March 27. It will be hosted and moderated by Cornell University senior Extension associate Tim Martinson. Questions can be submitted during the webinar by using the chat bar. Preregistration for online viewing is required. To register, fill out the online form by 8 a.m. EST on Tuesday, March 26. You will receive an email with connection instructions.

For more information on grapevine red blotch disease, see a related Michigan State University Extension article at http://msue.anr.msu.edu/news/grapevine_red_blotch_disease_a_recently_identified_virus_of_red_wine_grapes.