Potatoes and Tomatoes Are Still America’s Favorite Veggies

Potatoes-and-tomatoes-FEATUREAmericans still love potatoes and tomatoes best, USDA reports. Based on per capita consumption, the two vegetables lead the pack. When considering only fresh market vegetables, however, leafy greens vie with tomatoes for second place.


Americans consumed an average of 156.3 pounds of fresh and processed vegetables per person, the report shows. When you add together fresh and frozen potatoes as well as potato chips, potatoes claim 48.3 of those pounds. Tomatoes come in second with 28.3 pounds, which includes canned and fresh tomatoes.

USDA divvies leafy greens up between “head lettuce” and “romaine and leaf lettuce” in this report.  When combined, they add up to about 11 pounds per person; fresh tomatoes come in at around 12 pounds per person.

The data — the  most recent USDA has published — dates from 2015. In order to more closely approximate consumption, USDA calculates the data by taking per capita supplies of food available for human consumption and adjusting it for some of the spoilage, plate waste, and other losses in restaurants, grocery stores, and the home.


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