10 Things Farm Markets Can Learn From A Grocery Store

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Today’s grocery stores bear little resemblance to grocery stores of my youth. They’ve evolved from florescent lights, dingy linoleum floors and long lines at the check out into a food wonderland. Lighting on produce is as meticulous as a museum drawing attention to a multi-million dollar Picasso. The range of products has changed, from locally sourced fruit and vegetables to elk roasts in the meat department and previously hard-to-find spices that seem to show up in all the popular modern recipes. And it’s not unheard of to find juice bars, live bands and even pubs at today’s grocery stores.

It begs the question. How much have farm markets changed since the 70s and 80s?

In 2015, I visited one of the newest Market District stores, the higher-end division of the Giant Eagle grocery store chain. The slideshow contains 10 ideas from a Columbus-based Market District you can use in your own store.


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