Western Growers, United Applaud Senate Judiciary Committee’s Passage Of Immigration Reform

The bill is expected to be taken up by the full Senate in June when Congress returns from the recess. Nearly 300 amendments were proposed to the overall immigration package, but no changes were made to the new agriculture worker program, which provides for a new, market-based federal program to ensure a steady and experienced agriculture labor force.


The new agricultural workforce framework was developed through negotiations between the Agriculture Workforce Coalition. The new program allows current, experienced agriculture workers to stay in the U.S. while adjusting to legal status. It also establishes a future workforce program, which provides employers and employees with flexibility through either an “at-will” or contractual arrangement under a three-year visa program. The new proposal also allows for a transition period from the current H-2A guest worker system to the new program to ensure that employers will not face gaps in program availability and resulting workforce shortages.

“We are pleased the Senate Judiciary has moved forward with committee passage of the bill. The strong bi-partisan vote out of the committee should send a positive signal to the rest of the Senate and their colleagues in the House that the time has come to address this important policy issue that has lingered on much too long in the eyes of many people in the produce industry,” said Robert Guenther, United’s senior vice president of public policy. “Now is the time for every United Fresh member to make his or her voice heard on Capitol Hill about this crucial industry need.”

United Fresh urges members to visit United’s Grassroots Action Network website, where they can quickly send a message to their lawmakers to ask for support of the immigration reform bill.

Western Growers President and CEO Tom Nassif also expressed thanks to the Committee for its bi-partisan support of the legislation.

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“We are very pleased with the progress made by the Senate Judiciary Committee and thank them for all the hard work they’ve done,” Nassif said. “Without workable legislation that fixes our broken immigration system, our farmers cannot provide a secure supply of fresh, domestic food for our nation. We look forward to swift passage in the senate next month.”

Nassif, members of the Western Growers Board of Directors, and other key leaders are in Washington, DC, this week meeting with members of Congress and others at this crucial moment for the agricultural industry.


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Avatar for mark swearingen mark swearingen says:

Don't do it! Doesn't protect home Americans jobs, future jobs, housing, etc we are all going to be more crowded out as illegals keep babying up and taking advantage of our open no rules system. We only need several million workers for Ag, janitors,ECG. The rest will t are away entry level jobs form citizens , while there are some 20+ Million illegals way more than what we need and creating over population dense cities! We can't take on all of them and they're cost off care, meds, welfare, free schooling! Who's for this? Richer well off Am. Who want cheap hires and dumb political parties who desire cheap easy to get votes!
